Why Not Elect High Court Judges
James Bredin
Because you can never disturb the Canadian status quo,
Not since the Charter was written by Chretien and Pierre Trudeau,
Confrontational issues are given to the High Court to solve,
So we have to sit back and wait for their decisions to evolve.
These political appointees cannot be asked certain questions,
They are so high and mighty that no one can make suggestions,
Then they get their photographs taken dressed up in long red gowns,
Don’t these appointees realize, they look like a group of clowns?
Politically correct decisions on whether homosexuals can wed,
Or maybe holocaust slaughter in an abortion clinic bed,
With no feedback or input from the lowly people who count,
These political appointees cannot be held to account.
These Supreme Court decisions that they ponder day and night,
Can take years because they will be there for most of their life,
Could be put to the people in a binding referendum form,
No need to watch and wait for the Supreme Court to perform.
We need referendums, term limits and political recall now,
We need elections where proportional representation is allowed,
And included in these elections should be Supreme Court folk,
Their untouchable legal decisions should not make us choke.
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
James Bredin
Because you can never disturb the Canadian status quo,
Not since the Charter was written by Chretien and Pierre Trudeau,
Confrontational issues are given to the High Court to solve,
So we have to sit back and wait for their decisions to evolve.
These political appointees cannot be asked certain questions,
They are so high and mighty that no one can make suggestions,
Then they get their photographs taken dressed up in long red gowns,
Don’t these appointees realize, they look like a group of clowns?
Politically correct decisions on whether homosexuals can wed,
Or maybe holocaust slaughter in an abortion clinic bed,
With no feedback or input from the lowly people who count,
These political appointees cannot be held to account.
These Supreme Court decisions that they ponder day and night,
Can take years because they will be there for most of their life,
Could be put to the people in a binding referendum form,
No need to watch and wait for the Supreme Court to perform.
We need referendums, term limits and political recall now,
We need elections where proportional representation is allowed,
And included in these elections should be Supreme Court folk,
Their untouchable legal decisions should not make us choke.
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
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