Friday, December 22, 2006

Canadian Baby Genocide

Canadian Baby Genocide


James Bredin

The secrets of the genocide can never be revealed,
A million unborn babies with no names killed and concealed,
Euthanasia is banned but not the murder of unborn babies,
Especially when the people involved are fashionable ladies.

Deelya Death had at least six abortions that year,
With her health card and sexy clothes she danced all night without fear,
The freedom-of-choice activists’ crowds were all so proud,
Wrote often about their Charter Rights and screamed out loud.

Deelya Death was an extraordinary beauty no doubt,
Strutted her stuff here and there whenever she walked about,
Had no conscience or qualms about all her dead babies,
Busy doing fashionable things with fashionable ladies.

Photographs in the artsy fartsy section of the paper,
Never mentioned her most recent abortion-clinic caper,
Twin girls but just two murdered fetuses to be disposed,
Taken secretly to the furnace where nothing was disclosed.

Friday, December 22, 2006

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