Our Biased Managed Media
James Bredin
They feed us their information in special small amounts,
What they think we should think -- about what really counts,
And we are no more than sheep being led here and there,
Pumped up on their propaganda about our national affairs.
As these journalists allege that only they can tell the truth,
And their left-wing communist papers are not uncouth,
Everything slanted along Marxist United Nations lines,
We can’t think for ourselves and we can’t see the signs.
The terrorists have now all moved to Africa they say,
So we should follow them now, right away, come what may,
They want us in Darfur by next week or there about,
Because UN aid agencies are being killed and pulling out.
We can’t deport terrorists because they might be at risk,
No need for Amnesty International to be angry or brisk,
The UN or G8 should rule because they are so clever,
Illegal aids refugees to Canada and stay forever.
We can’t have callbacks or cutbacks or a set election date,
It’s an American idea and probably full of right-wing hate.
Can’t change the Charter because it’s nailed to a wall,
Don’t think about your future because the media will make the call
And if you’re a journalist who doesn’t tow the line,
You may be unemployed tomorrow morning at nine,
They’re into multiculture and francophonie you see,
Pious left-wing policies so get down on one knee.
With this biased managed media nothing is left to chance,
Soft on justice, Charter Rights, political song and dance,
Elected senators or Supreme Court judges might seem strange,
Where term limits and flat tax could eventually be arranged.
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